Flights FAQ

When may I receive my complete flight information?

International flight information will be available approximately 30 days prior to departure; domestic flight information will be available approximately 2-3 weeks prior to departure.

May I purchase my own international tickets?

Yes. But remember, airport / hotel / pier / airport transfers are not provided to passengers who have provided their own transportation. If you are a "ground only" passenger, you will meet the group at the first hotel and leave the group at the last hotel. If you purchase your own transportation, you will be responsible for making your own travel arrangements to/from the international airports both in the US and once you arrive.

Who is responsible for any airline schedule changes and/or expense?

All flight times are subject to change by the airlines without advance notice. Good Shepherd Tours is not responsible for changes and/or delays in airline schedules, nor the expense associated with such changes.

What if I miss my flight or it is canceled on the day of departure?

Contact our office immediately so we can inform all necessary parties. The airline's responsibility is to get you to your destination as quickly as possible.

May I request special seating and/or meals on the flights?

In general, group purchased seating arrangements cannot be organized before departure day. If you have a special meal request it should be submitted in writing no later than 90 days prior to departure. We cannot, however, guarantee your request will be honored by the airline.

Will my group travel together on the same aircraft?

We will try our best to keep groups together if they are traveling from the same departure city; however, depending upon the size of the group and the availability of seats on the same flights, some groups may be on several different domestic and/or international flights.

We do request that our groups are seated together. However, depending on your group's size, you may or may not sit together. You will receive seating assignments when you check in.

Will we be our meals the plane?

This depends on the length of your flight and what airline you will be flying with. On trans Atlantic and other long haul flights you will be given meals on the plane free of charge. For flights within the USA and Europe food will always be offered, but it is not always free of charge.

What happens if bags are lost?

This is will not be the responsibilities of Good Shepherd Tours. Please be sure to file a report with the airline at the airport where you arrive. Although we will do everything we can in helping with the process.

Travel FAQ